Virtual planning and ceramic facets

Virtual planning and ceramic facets Virtual planning and ceramic facets

Made by Dr. Clarisse Bonnet

Virtual planning and ceramic facets Virtual planning and ceramic facets

Made by Dr. Clarisse Bonnet

After a photographic assessment, a virtual planning will be presented to the patient to determine with the practitioner the treatment objectives.

The aesthetic analysis of the future treatment will allow the patient to simulate his result and to make, as far as possible, a maximum of corrections according to the listed wishes.

Thanks to the validated virtual planning, a model of the future project will then be realized in order to materialize the final treatment before any irreversible gesture. It will be a key communication tool between the patient and the various treatment providers. (Orthodontist, implantology, prosthetist, etc.)

After the validated aesthetic analysis, the teeth will be prepared so that they can move to the final prosthetic phase via glued ceramic restorations, the veneers.

These are very fine ceramic coatings that are glued, under the operating field, on the external face of the teeth. They allow a natural aesthetic rendering while preserving the integrity of your teeth.

La teinte des dents, les malpositions légères et les usures dentaires sont des indications de choix dans l’élaboration des facettes dentaires.