Placement of dental implants

The surgical placement of implants may seem impressive. However, it is a relatively rapid intervention and the consequences are very good, in the vast majority of cases.

Implant placement in a clinic or dental office

Implant placement requires rigorous surgical asepsis. It can be performed in the office or in the operating room depending on the habits of the surgeon and the configuration of his office.

The placement of the implant

Local anesthesia is performed. The gum is incised and cleared to access the bone site where the implant is planned.

The closure of the surgical site

Once the implant or implants are in place, the site of intervention is carefully closed to allow the implant to fully integrate with the jaw bone.

There are two closing options:

1st option: Two-step technique (with total implant burial)
After implant placement, a cover screw is then placed. This is a flat or slightly cylindrical screw, made of medical titanium, the lower part of which is screwed into the thread of the implant. The gum is sutured and the implant is therefore completely included in the gum, which will allow a good healing of bone mass and the gingival mucosa.

After a healing period of 4 to 6 months and a radiological check-up, this screw is removed to clear the implant head and put in place the healing screw, which will guide the healing of the mucosa around the implant.

Then the implant abutment will be screwed on to the implant to receive the prosthesis, sealed or screwed (in the case of transscrewed prosthesis).
The use of the two-step technique is related to certain patient-specific parameters (bone quality, need for a prior increase in bone tissue, past smoking, etc.)

2nd option: Technique in a time (without total burial of the implants) The gum is sutured by leaving beyond the head of the implant and a healing screw is put in place. This technique avoids a second surgical step to clear the implant head. However, the implant is less well protected during the bone integration period. This option is reserved for the most favorable cases.

The healing phase (osseointegration) will be the same in both cases, between 4 and 6 months.

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