What is functional orthodontics?

What is functional orthodontics?

The first step in prevention, functional orthodontics, its objective is to act during growth and allow the body to develop harmoniously and prevent possible future dental problems. Several functions will in fact be carefully studied such as breathing, chewing, swallowing, or even the child’s posture. Unbalanced chewing and poor swallowing can hinder the harmonious development of the jaw. Functional orthodontics is intended for growing children for whom the results will be quickly effective.

The main functions


“So-called normal” breathing So-called normal breathing takes place through the nose during the day but also at night, which allows for harmonious growth of the cheekbones and palate. The correct position of the tongue, which rests against the palate, allows the upper jaw to develop correctly. Mouth breathing and its consequences Harmful for the arches and teeth, mouth breathing forces the tongue to adopt a low position to be able to breathe and therefore no longer encourages the growth of the jaw and can even go so far as to cause a shift in the jaws.


Good chewing is essential for the proper functioning of the jaws. It must be bilateral and alternating. Otherwise, with unilateral operation, risks of functional disorders appear (jaw articulation) but also aesthetic (facial asymmetry).


The persistence of so-called infantile swallowing (the lips suck the milk and the tip of the tongue rests behind them) over time leads to a deformation of the anterior area depending on where the tongue finds its new support. Over time this can cause malocclusion problems.


In the event of poor posture, over time, jaw deformation and dental malpositions may appear. To ensure that your orthodontic treatment is optimal, certain health professionals can intervene during treatment: osteopaths, ENT specialists, speech therapists, physiotherapists, etc. Here are some examples of indications

Mouth breathing/snoring. Delayed thumb sucking. Persistence of infantile swallowing. With their consequences: Teeth forward. Poor closure of the jaws or absence of contact. Maxilla too narrow. Transverse shift of the jaws. Overlapping of the teeth. Speech problems. DEVICES USED

The gutters

The trays vary depending on the age of the child and the correction that is desired to be made. The trays can be worn during the day or at night. Wearing aligners is accompanied by simple exercises. Please note: Functional orthodontics helps avoid possible recurrences after multi-bracket treatment.