Your office orthodontic monitoring with Dental Monitoring

Find the progress of your treatment on the application

The office allows you personalized monitoring of your orthodontic treatment thanks to Dental Monitoring. Using artificial intelligence and digital tools, your orthodontist and his team will be able to follow the progress of your treatment even when you are not You’re not present at the office. It’s up to you! 🙂

Your office orthodontic monitoring with Dental Monitoring

Step no. 1: I receive an email inviting me to download the Dental Monitoring application via a link

Step 2: I download the Dental Monitoring application on my phone Dental monitoring application on Apple Dental monitoring application on Android

Step no. 3: During my next Orthodontic appointment (Check-up) we will support you in activating your Dental Monitoring account and we will carry out your first scan together

Step 4: We remain available via the application chat to answer your questions